Friday, November 7, 2008

Bathtub Fun!

Here a few of my favorite pictures of Grant in the tub. He just loves bath time and would stay in the tub until he is completely wrinkled. He even likes to get on his belly and do the "Michael Phelps!"

Grant and Olivia love taking a bath together. Here they are at our house. It always seems like a great idea but then we remember how wet we end up when they are done splashing and wander why we keep re-trying this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i've commented on waaay too many pics this time around...BUT- he reminds me so much of his beautiful big sister in these tub tub pictures. I always let Madi stay in as long as she wanted when you and Barry weren't there.haha. I think thats why we have such a special bond...Gi Gi always puts fun first, then the rules :)